Protect Crops & Animals with Farm Fences in PA, WV, and Ohio

Neel’s Fence Company Commercial, Inc., Offers Fencing for Any Size Farm

For farm fences in PA, WV, and Ohio, contact Neel’s Fence Company Commercial, Inc. If you have an animal or a crop-based farm, you need to keep it secure. What better way than with a top-quality fence? At Neel’s Fence Company Commercial, Inc., we have the right size and style fence for any size and style farm. Call us at (304) 842-1980 or contact us online to discuss your farm fencing options.

Farm Fencing in PA, WV, and Ohio Includes Any Combination of Styles

The type of farm fence you need in PA, WV, or Ohio depends on the animals and vegetation you have. Farm fencing often includes any combination of styles. Common materials that make up farm fences include assorted wire, such as barbed, woven, and high-tensile. Some farms also use electric fences.

Wire Farm Fences Include Barbed, Woven, and High-Tensile

Barbed wire fences are usually classified as either standard or suspension barbed wire. Horizontal woven wire fences are separated by vertical wires known as stays. High-tensile wire fences, held in tension between wood end-posts, use posts and battens to properly space the wires between posts. Between the three, high-tensile fences have the most potential for longevity and lower costs.

Pros and Cons of Electric Farm Fences

Electric fences have advantages and disadvantages. They prevent livestock from leaving, but do not stop tech-savvy vandals from entering. Electric fences are less expensive than wooden ones, but need more maintenance. Often, they are most useful when combined with a wooden or rail fence.

Farm Fence Laws Vary in West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Ohio

Depending on whether your farm is in WV, PA, or Ohio, your state’s fence laws will vary. In WV, fences must be four feet, if consisting of posts and rails, posts and planks, or pickets. Farm fences in Pennsylvania, placed on property lines, are totally shared between neighbors, including the costs of installation and maintenance. In Ohio, barbed wire, hedges, or electrified wire farm fences cannot border any properties unless adjoining neighbors give written consent. If you can meet these regulations, Neel’s Fence Company Commercial, Inc., can install farm fences in PA, WV, and Ohio.